Did You Know That Healthy Women Are More Effective Leaders?
Healthy Women Lead... Yes, That's right! They do. Health is not about being a certain number on the scale, or looking good in that Chanel suite. Being healthy is a 360 degree experience of feeling and being well mentally, physically and spiritually. Being healthy means living in optimal wellness and having the freedom of living a well balanced life. I started the movement "Healthy Women Lead" because working as a registered nurse for a number of years I have seen people suffering from chronic illness that has limited them from living the life they desire. I have seen the up close devastation of chronic illness while working in the area of oncology. I have given chemotherapy to women executives, senators, mothers, and business women and have seen how they have had to adjust their life around their illness. Individuals stricken with cancer or any other illness, it's hard for them to function and operate at the highe...